Official Sites
Jenny News
Licca News
Licca Castle
Licca Club 67
English Websites
Jenny Style- Melissa's site, ah to be able to get pictures like hers.
Attack of the Anime Toys Pam's lovely Jenny site
Sher's Jenny Dolls- Sher's lovely Jenny site.
Connie's Jenny and Licca dolls- Connie's website and she has a 3rd generation Licca.
Janet's World- Janet's dolls, another long time collector's site.
All Dolled Up- Larraine's site and home of all the wonderful information formerly hosted by Helene's premier site, Biscuit's House
Jenny's Room Zara's lovely site, I only wish I could make gifs as cute as hers.
Japanese Websites
Mammy's Parlor One of the best sites for seeing pictures of every single different kindergarten kid as well as lots of vintage Licca!
Raspberry Angel A seller of cute modern separates at doll shows
Modern Tulip More cute modern separates! I love how well made their clothes are. Check out their blog for updates.
Ruby's Studios Akiko is extremely talented and makes the most lovely country outfits, of which I am priviledged to own several.
R's Otanoshimi Collection My first stop at any Doll Show. I just adore her Victorian style dresses and her attention to every detail.
Concrete More cute Japanese fashions, with a bit of a gothic Lolita look. I adore her tiny hats in particular.
Miyuki Collection More cute country dresses, made by Miyuki for Jenny, Licca and Blythe. Be forewarned, page has pop-ups!
The Doll Show website Where to go for information on past and present Doll Shows.
Volks Official Website Where to go for information on Dolpa events as well as a place to buy Volks bodies.
I Doll Show website Where to go for information on I Doll shows.
Mailing Lists and Communities
Biscuit's Group Since August 1999, one of the oldest English language Takara fan groups.
There are constantly new dealers out there, some of these people I have bought from and others I've just seen advertise things for sale. I am not responsible for any issues you have with these sellers, unless I am the seller, of course.
Strawberry Sorbet's Sale Page Items for sale on this site.
The Penal-tea Stand Other items I am currently selling, I happily combine shipping.
Kanoko's Dolls Has been around a long long time. I use to buy Castle dolls from her back in 2000.
R&D Dolls Rudi is a fabulous seller, extremely wonderful. I've bought 2 Momokos through him and had the pleasure of meeting him in person.
Manika's Dolls I've never bought from Manika, but I know lots of people love her.
Jenny Land Helina's webstore. I can't remember if I've bought from her, but I have definitely heard good things.
Frill Frill I'm not sure Minako is selling so much now, but she is a sweet person who helped me get my MSD. I've also had the pleasure of meeting her in person.
eBay Everyone's favorite catch as catch can site. I've done well, I've been burned, and I've enjoyed the thrill of the hunt.
If you would like have your site added, please email
with your URL. ^_^ Thanks!